Tuesday, December 9, 2008

momversation--minding your own business

So, my favorite blogger, Rebecca Woolf is a part of a video chat blog called Momversation.  Click on the title of this post to check it out.  Today's momversation is awesome--it is about minding your own business!  They discuss when it is, or isn't ok to give advice to other parents and why.  

I love it  b/c the bottom line is, if it isn't solicited, and i doesn't directly affect you, and if no one is in danger, then why do we want to get wrapped up in other people's decisions. . . ?  As long as we are all safe and happy-- you do it your way, and I'll do it my way. . . that is the jist of it, and I love that jist.

BTW--still awaiting baby Magill. . . .so I'm at home with some extra vacation time to burn, just wondering when this little boy is going to make his grand entrance.  Wish us luck!

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